Stack’s $MORE token is a non-algorithmic, collateral-backed stablecoin. This means that every $1 USD of $MORE should have more than $1 USD of collateral backing.

Stack considers $MORE to be worth $1 however at times it may not trade at this value. In these instances, Stack has several options at its disposal to regain the $1 USD peg.

$MORE was developed using the OpenZeppelin ERC20 canonical implementation.

$MORE Peg Stability

$MORE is pegged to $1 USD and it's important that it trades consistently at a $1 value. The peg stability mechanics rely on two primary tools: Interest Rates and Arbitrage.

Interest Rates

Stack sets the interest rate for the protocol. As discussed on the next page, these rates are an important tool in managing the circulating supply of $MORE.

To encourage economic activity, we prefer low rates for borrowing on the protocol.

  • Low rates encourage $MORE borrowing and $MORE in circulation

  • With low rates there is less demand to stake, keeping $MORE in circulation

However, if $MORE is being dumped and begins to depeg, we can go to high rates.

  • At higher rates, borrowers are encouraged to close out positions to avoid incremental fees/costs

  • High rates also pass-through to stakers, encouraging staking, removing $MORE from circulation


Arbitrage is another way peg stability is incentivized through the activity of market participants.

  • If $MORE were to trade below $1 USD, it would be advantageous for debt holders to purchase $MORE at a discount and use these "cheap dollars" to pay back outstanding debt. Buying discounted $MORE will eventually raise the price back to $1.

  • If $MORE were to trade above $1 USD, users holding Stack collateral could open a new position and sell the borrowed $MORE, capturing that value between the issuance and sales price. Selling $MORE from this behavior will lower the price back to $1.

  • As the re.al ecosystem expands $MORE may trade at different prices in different markets. Users can buy and sell from these different markets to close the spread and move prices back to $1 USD everywhere.

Its quite common for bots to monitor pools and quickly capitalize on these opportunities, with the benefit that depegs are often quickly corrected.


$sMORE is the staked version of $MORE, shares in a vault of $MORE that accrues additional fees from protocol operations.

$sMORE is an ERC-4626, a standard used to optimize and unify the technical parameters of yield-bearing vaults that represent shares of a single underlying ERC-20 token. When users deposit $MORE tokens into the $sMORE vault (using the ERC-4626 standard), they receive $sMORE tokens in return, representing their share of the vault. As the value of the vault goes up i.e. Stack platform fees accrue to stakers, the value of $sMORE also goes up.

$MORE - Denoted in amount

$sMORE - Denoted in shares

Upon $MORE deposit, $sMORE shares received:

shares = deposit amount * $sMORE current supply / balance of $MORE in vault

When staked, the fees that accrue to $sMORE are sent back to stakers each day as .

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